07 September 2009

Mom Comes to Ireland

Day 1 – Dublin, a place that oozes personality, a city whose soul and sociability makes it the most charismatic of capitals

So I was very excited to have my mom come to Ireland to visit me, meet my friends, experience a bit of Cork, and of course take me out to eat. Our adventure began with me taking a very early train to Dublin to meet her at the airport. Interestingly her flight contained about half of Irelands Cardiologists who were at a convention in Barcelona. So you can imagine that Ireland would have been in some big trouble if that flight had crashed on its way back to Dublin. After I picked her up at the airport we caught the bus back to Heuston Train Station where she stored her luggage and we caught the DART for the Temple Bar area. Temple Bar is a popular area in the city centre and right above the River Liffey that has preserved a medieval street pattern with cobbled streets. As soon as we arrived we searched for the best restaurant that served traditional Irish food, so we ended up a Boxy McGallaghers. I had Irish stew and mom had Corn beef and cabbage and we shared a side of Colcannon. Colcannon is a potato dish that I learned about in Music class surprisingly. Then we finished our meal up with some delicious Bailey’s Cheesecake. After our phenomenal meal we were off to see some of the sights in Dublin. We shopped around the Temple Bar area for a while and then decided to walk toward the Guinness Factory. On our way we toured Trinity College, Dublin, a beautiful medieval school that is comparable to Harvard in the US, along with Dublin Castle. Although once we left Dublin Castle we decided to hop into a taxi because, as always in Ireland, it was raining. Unfortunately we got to the Guinness factory and it had closed twenty minutes prior. So we then decided to walk around the national museum of art’s gardens and cemetery. Afterwards we thought it was time to head back to the train station because we were both exhausted. On the way got kind of lost and ended up at Phoenix Park, the world’s second largest park. After a long walk we eventually made it back to the train station and caught our train back to Cork. We arrived in Cork pretty late so we went back to the apartment and planned for the next day and went to sleep. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera so I have very few picture to put up for our trip to Dublin but when my mom sends me the pictures she took I will post those up.

The Gates to the Guinness Factory

The Temple Bar Area

Trinity College, Dublin

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