28 August 2009

Thursday August 27th

Last night was a lot of fun! Some of the other international students came over to our apartment before we hit up the streets of Cork. Once everyone was ready to leave we walked over to An Brog or as the locals call it “the Brog”. The Brog has become our hang out as we have been there almost every other day since moving to Cork. All in all last night was some good crack due to the good music, good atmosphere, good beer, and good friends. Crack is English for fun and the Irish love to use that word.

Here is a picture of the Brog

Some of the girls that we went out with that night

Matt, my roommate, and I

Caitlin and I

School at UCC does not start until late September so before school starts all of the international students are enrolled in an early start class. I chose to take Musics in Ireland mostly because I need to take a fine art to fulfill a core requirement back at USD. So far the class has been fun. It has been a combination of lectures and workshops along with a field trip through County Kerry, and County Limerick next weekend. So far I have learned some basic Irish dances and today we received basic lessons on how to play the Irish harp, along with some useful lectures on how Irish music has shaped Irish culture, and several factors that gives Irish music its unique Irishness. The Irish Harp is very important to Ireland being that it is the national emblem and is featured on every government document, sign etc.

I also received my Irish Address today and it is written like this:

Apart 6, Leeside Apartments

Bachelors Quay


Co. Cork


26 August 2009


This is the main building at UCC and the school is over 250 years old. Legend has it that if any student walks on the grass they will automatically fail all of their exams. So while in Cork I will not be walking on the grass

The River and my apartment

This picture shows my apartment complex. I live in Leeside Apartments overlooking the River Lee in the heart of downtown and about 5 minutes walking distance from UCC. My apartment is the last building complex on the right hand side of the picture. The building is white and a salmon like color. I also have to walk across the red and white bridge to get to school.

The First Weekend

My Fist weekend in Cork began with a long but helpful Orientation to the University College Cork and Cork itself. After orientation the UCC Students Union, more commonly known as the Student Government in the US, had planned an entire evening for us beginning with a movie. The movie was kind of dumb so some of us left to go and get a cell phone. So I now have a pay as you go cell phone with O2. My number is +353 086 3335850. Although if anyone plans to call me from the US dial 00353 86 3335850 and please fill free to do so because all incoming calls are free. After the cell phone adventure we wandered back to the orientation crowd where we were then taken to the Mardyke Pub and each person was given two free pints. So my roommates and I made it our goal to try every Irish draught beer by the end of the weekend, which we accomplished. Theres about 4 different kinds: Guinness, Murphy’s, Beemish, Bulmers (a cider). After a couple hours at the pub we were then taken by the Student Union to Gorby’s, a nightclub in downtown. At around 2 most of us left the nightclub for some much needed shut eye.

The Journey

I have been in Cork Ireland for an entire weekend and have loved every minute of it! The adventure began with an 8am flight from LAX to Toronto Canada (thanks Marcy for the ride!). Once in Canada the customs officials riled all of the American passengers into a glass enclosed room, like a farmer would do to cattle, and herded us out into a line to go through Canadian customs. After sitting in the Toronto Airport for 5 hours Matt and I were finally on our way to DUBLIN. With a short jaunt across the Atlantic we arrived in Ireland the next morning at 8. The highlight of our day was when Matt and I used our charm, good looks, and persuasive skills to obtain a 4-month visa rather than the 1-month and now we no longer have to pay 150 Euros to the Irish Government. Then we met up with Ryan and took public transportation to the Connolly Bus Station and bought a ticket to Cork. After boarding the bus, one of the first things we noticed was a large billboard promoting Arthur Day on the 24th of September, which we will be celebrating. Arthur Day commemorates the 150th anniversary of Arthur Guinness and the creation of the ultimate Irish Beer, Guinness. Besides the enticing billboard Dublin looks like a fun city and I can’t wait to check it out. Four hours later we awoke in the Cork Bus Station from which we walked with luggage and all down the River Lee to our new humble abode, Leeside Apartments. After settling into our new downtown flat we hit up the town for dinner. But what we didn’t realize was how late it was so we ended up at McDonalds for a BigMac and fries. McDonalds is most definitely better in the US! Finally after a loooong day of traveling our jet lag was kicking in so we went to sleep because the next day was going to be a long day orientation.

17 August 2009

Cork Ireland

As I prepare to be flung out on the far western reaches of an epic, wind-lashed coastline riddled with vibrant seaside villages, harbors bustling with fishing boats bringing home the day’s catch, I could think of no better way than to keep all of my family and friends in the loop with a blog such as this. I am absolutely thrilled to embark upon my epic journey to Ireland. I will do my very best to update this frequently with all of my exciting adventures.